Writer's Digest Magazine

Writer's Block

If you're planning to pursue a career in freelance writing, it's likely that you'll find Writer's Digest magazine to be a valuable resource. Whether you're interested in writing Web content, magazine articles, or a book, you'll find tips and suggestions in this magazine that can help you improve your craft and market your work.

Editorial Coverage

Writer's Digest is written specifically for professional freelance writers, as well as for individuals who are considering pursuing careers in this field. The magazine's content focuses on providing readers with writing tips, suggestions for where and how writers can market their work, and more.

Examples of the type of content you'll find in Writer's Digest are:

  • Technique: Each issue provides tips and suggestions designed to help readers improve their writing skills. In any given issue, you may find specialty and genre-specific suggestions, tips for dealing with tough grammar questions, and interviews with successful writers about what skills and tips they find most beneficial.
  • Inspiration: In each issue, you'll find tips and suggestions that can help keep you motivated and focused. For example, many issues include suggestions for improving creativity and overcoming writer's block. You'll also have an opportunity to read about writers who have achieved success in the profession, and find out what steps they took to get to where they are today.
  • Business Tips: If you want to enjoy career success as a writer, you need to take advantage of all the advice you can get to successfully market your work and manage the business aspects of your writing career. Writer's Digest magazine provides readers with valuable tips for building a successful freelance writing business. For example, the magazine publishes information about current and hot writer's markets. You'll also find information on software and other resources that can help you work more efficiently and effectively.

Subscribing to Writer's Digest Magazine

Writer's Digest is published six times each year. If you want to keep up with the latest tips and ideas for building a successful writing career, you may want to get your own subscription to the magazine.

Additional Features and Resources for Writers

Writer's Digest is actually much more than just a magazine. The publication offers many value added services and products that professional writers may find to be beneficial.

Writer's Digest School

The magazine offers online workshops for individuals who would like to enjoy the benefits of participating in formal training programs designed to help them jump start their careers.

Courses available through the Writer's Digest school include:

  • The basics
  • Fundamentals
  • Marketing your writing
  • Advanced writing workshops
  • Genre-specific courses


Writer's Digest magazine sponsors several competitions each year. Writers who participate in these awards programs have an opportunity to earn recognition and cash.

  • Fiction awards
  • Poetry awards
  • Self published book awards
  • Short story competition
  • Writer's Digest annual writing competition

A Resource for Writers

If you're serious about pursuing a writing career, it's in your best interest to seek out information and ideas from a variety of sources. Writer's Digest has long been recognized as a leading publication dedicated to those seeking opportunities to publish and sell their writing work. Spend a little time browsing the publication's website to get an idea of the type of information you're likely to find in each issue. If you find the information there to be beneficial, you might also enjoy a subscription to the magazine.

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Writer's Digest Magazine