Romance Writers Online Work Opportunities

Single Rose

Romance writers online work opportunities are numerous, but you have to be diligent to locate them. If you are a beginning writer with no previous experience, accept the idea that you will likely write for free in some places just to get samples of your work out there. Social media outlets like and Facebook are ideal locations to feature yourself and network with other writers, publishers and agents.

Looking for Romance Writers Online Work Opportunities

Freelance writers and would be novelists have numerous online opportunities to showcase their work. Romance writers online work opportunities that also pay are a little harder to break into, but well worth the effort. Writers should always begin by reviewing the submission guidelines and following them to the letter.

Editors do not want to look at work that does not meet their submission guidelines. In some instances, the editors won't even look at work that is submitted when they have submissions closed. In those cases, your work is more likely to be deleted. If you haven't paid attention, you'll be left hanging waiting to find out what happened to it. Many online forums do not send anything back more than a form letter unless the piece has been accepted.

Form rejection letters can be depressing to read, but occasionally an editor will include comments, suggestions or advice. Pay attention to these. If an editor actually takes the time to advise you, heed the advice in either editing the piece you submitted or in future work you perform.

Writing Romance

Romance is a popular genre and accounts for more than 50% of all paperback book sales in the United States. As with all writing, there are no new ideas, only fresh takes on old themes. Books on writing romance suggest that playing with old ideas such as the 'Cinderella' tale, 'Beauty and the Beast' and even 'The Shop Around the Corner' are great ways to discover new spins on old ideas.

Read the magazine and online sites you want to submit to. This will give you an even greater idea of what they are looking for and help you generate success as a romance writer online and off.

Online Novel Submission Guidelines

If you have a novel you'd love to see in print, the following resources may be useful:

  • Harlequin - The biggest name in romance has branched out into digital series' and other online mediums. The website offers all of the information you'll need to make your submissions.
  • Loveswept & Flirt - Part of Random House, these digital publishers focus solely on romance books for women, and they are very receptive to new offers. They accept works in nearly all subgenres of romance. Visit their website to view their submission guidelines.
  • Inkspell Publishing - Primarily an eBook publisher, Inkspell specializes in romance and will only consider edited works for publishing.

Online Workshops and Portfolios

To get feedback on your work, check out This online community is available for novelists, aspiring novelists and more to showcase their work. Accounts are free and portfolios are available.

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Romance Writers Online Work Opportunities