Editorial Freelancers Association

Writing doesn't have to be a solitary career.

The Editorial Freelancers Association can be a valuable resource for freelance writers, editors, and other communication professionals, whether they are interested in networking opportunities, communal resources, job listings, or the other benefits this organization offers.

About the EFA

The EFA is a not-for-profit, volunteer run organization that seeks to provide professional resources and social networking opportunities for freelance writing and editing professionals, no matter what their specific job within the world of writing may be. The group began in 1970 and has grown to thousands of members across the United States, Canada, and countries worldwide, including Ireland, France, India, and Japan.

As an apolitical organization, the EFA does not support a specific political agenda. Instead, they seek to benefit members regardless of their specific field of writing. While the organization's headquarters in New York City naturally host the majority of in-person events, there are regional chapters available and any active member may start a new local chapter to help service freelance professionals in their region.

Editorial Freelancers Association Benefits

Freelance writing and editing is often a solitary career. Many novice writers and editors struggle to build their business because of a lack of support from more experienced individuals. The EFA can provide that social networking support, along with a range of additional benefits such as:

  • Publications: The organization publishes both print and electronic brochures, articles, and informational resources to help members refine their skills and grow their business. The bimonthly journal, The Freelancer, includes news and features of interest to all freelance professionals, and other publications include freelance rate charts and freelance writing fees, sample invoices and contracts, tax tips, and more.
  • Education Courses: The EFA offers a varied selection of professional development courses to help individuals expand their careers and refine their skills for greater profit and success.
  • Email Discussion List: This lengthy list of members allows individuals from many locations to discuss topics relevant to everyone, even when an in-person meeting is not possible.
  • Job Listings: More than 600 jobs per year are sent to members who opt in for this regular publication.
  • Health Insurance: Group rate discounts are available for members with a number of different plans, including spouse, family, individual, dental, hearing, optical, and other health insurance packages.
  • Meetings: Both the national chapter and regional chapters host regular meetings for members to discuss topics such as pricing, textbook writing and editing, tax preparation, copyright law, grant writing, and website development. Guest speakers often offer their expertise at these sessions. Other sessions include Scrabble nights and holiday parties for casual networking.



Membership rates for the Editorial Freelancers Association vary based on the type of membership chosen and the geographic location of the prospective member. Discounts are available for two year memberships, and the application can be found online or may be mailed or faxed to the organization's headquarters.

Is Membership for Me?

Because many novice writers and editors struggle to increase their financial independence when they first start a freelance writing business, choosing to join a professional organization can be difficult. The EFA's membership is comprised of more than just writers and editors, however. Copyeditors, researchers, translators, proofreaders, and photographers all participate in the organization to take advantage of the numerous benefits and the invaluable networking opportunities available. To decide whether or not the EFA is right for you, browse through publications online and investigate regional chapters before deciding to sign up.

Contact Information

For more information about the EFA, membership options, resources, and more, interested individuals can visit the official Web site, www.the-efa.org, call (212) 929-5400, or write:

Editorial Freelancers Association
71 W 23rd St., 4th Floor
New York, NY 10010

Joining a professional organization can give freelance writers and editors a sense of community and connection with others in their profession, and the EFA offers numerous additional benefits that can help individuals develop and expand their careers. With many resources available and a history of strong support for members, the EFA is a valuable organization for all freelancers to consider.

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Editorial Freelancers Association