Copywriter Professional Organizations

Learn what a copywriter does.

Copywriter professional organizations are available to individuals who have a desire to become a copywriter or just want to find great resources. Large, professional associations are available, but also keep an eye out for the smaller organizations, which offer more local aid. In addition, many online organizations are becoming available as the copywriting field moves online. Each of these resources serves as a best bet for those looking for exciting new opportunities, information, or resources.

Copywriter Professional Organizations and Associations

The top of the line associations to be a part of, as a copywriter, are those with national coverage. These organizations are for those who have degrees and working history in the field. It is important to keep in mind that these associations may require payment of dues. Dues are used to fund the organization and to provide the many services it does. Often, being a member of these associations helps you to stand out as a professional in the field.

Some of the best professional organizations are those not often known to the public. Consider joining them if their services offer something beneficial to your career.

  • American Association of Advertising Agencies: This association provides a wealth of information and resources to new, soon to be, and established copywriters. There are tools for career development and information on the latest happenings in the industry. This is an official, recognized trade organization in the United States.
  • American Marketing Association: This trade organization offers exciting opportunities for copywriters. They aid in developing skill sets, provide webcasts, post job openings, and aid members in networking, education, and professional marketing. To learn more about what the organization can offer, visit the member's benefit page.
  • Association of National Advertisers: This membership association provides a range of resources and tools for advertising based careers, including copywriters. Local and national events occur year round. Marketing and media training and tools are available. In addition, the organization offers a number of training and career programs for current copywriters and future ones.

These well-known associations may charge fees for membership. Most have local chapters in larger cities countrywide. Consider what they offer, what their fees are, and how well they fit within your business goals prior to joining.

Smaller Associations and Online Resources

While these larger organizations are ideal for what they offer, online resources and smaller organizations provide an intimate feel that enables more conversation and cross training. Consider joining these free or low cost groups for additional support as a copywriter.

  • This is an online, free-to-use forum that allows individuals in the copywriting profession to share tips, information and news. Additionally, a section for critiques is available to enable new copywriters to improve their skills before providing a client with a finished product.
  • Small Business Ideas Forum: A copywriting forum is available here for anyone to use. This is a great place to learn about the industry, including what opportunities are available. It is also a good place to network with business owners in need of the services of a copywriter.

Tips for Choosing Copywriting Organizations

Copywriting News and Resources

There are many copywriter professional organizations available. Not all of them offer the same qualifications or requirements. Some are much more professional looking on a resume.

  • Choose a copywriting organization that offers resources and tools needed for your business at its current level.
  • Avoid programs that do not list the services provided until after a fee is paid.
  • Do invest some time in online programs and forums prior to joining organizations. This way, you can learn about the organization prior to investing in it.

Professional organizations may also be available locally. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce for local opportunities.

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Copywriter Professional Organizations